Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The best laid plans. . .

So I found out what was making me so tired and causing the biggest sore throat ever.  Mono.  Yuck.  I will not be continuing with any resolutions until the mono is cleared up.  I am giving myself a couple of months with that one.  Hopefully, by the time I am well again, it will be Spring and Babykins and I can run and jump and play outside.  For now, the resolution is REST.  I have so much empathy for people with chronic conditions.  I can't imagine how hard it is to deal with this fatigue forever, with no letup.  Right now, it takes all of my energy to keep Babykins clothed, fed and napped.  Sometimes I am clothed, fed and napped, too.  Ha.

Until next time. . .

Friday, February 1, 2013

Waylaid. . .

By illness.

I have the WORST sore throat.  Which I am sure that I got when I brought Babykins to her well baby visit on Monday. . .

I managed some situps and pushups while Babykins ate lunch yesterday.  That's all.  I did realize that it is really easy to slip some situps and pushups into the day, though.  So, there's that.