Tuesday, January 29, 2013

If at first

You don't succeed try, try again.  I did it!  Only 10 minutes of "Dance it Off".  But I did it!

Day 1 of Resolution



Didn't happen.

Well, we had a doctor appointment, laundry needed to get done, Daddykins and I started doing our taxes, I had a DVD of Glee from the library. . . .

Um.  Not valid.  I just didn't do it.  That's the real answer. 

Today is a new day.  I will work out.  Oh, yes.  I will work out.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Series of Resolutions

The Body

This year I have a series of resolutions.  This one is for the body.  I will work out 3 times a week.  That's it!  Not too difficult, right?  
Some inspiration:

No, I am not pregnant yet.  It is no surprise that we are trying for Babykins #2.  Here goes!